Fix Fluval Aquastop valve for 106/206/306/406

My Fluval 406 filter started to leak around Aquastop valve around 2 years after purchase.
I could temporarily stop the lead by squeezing silicone grease around the rotating parts.
However, the leak came back and this time I couldn't fix.

But there is a way.
You need silicone grease and plumbing teflon tape.
I have to disassemble the white lever.
In order to do that, pull the white level all the way up, then pull down the red latch to "close" position.
Now you can pull out the white level from value body.
Next, you have to slide out the rotating cylinder  by pushing to either side.
Clean the cyclinder then apply dap of silicone grease around rubber rings. There are 4 rings.
Then wrap each ring 3 times with teflon tape.
Now you're done. Reassemble. No more leak!


  1. I did not find that wrapping the O-Rings with 3 turns of tape worked. The tape kept displacing upon insertion. Instead I removed the O-Rings, wrapped the **groove** in 3 turns of tape, then re-applied the o-rings. This worked very well and now the friction is on the ring instead of the tape while turning.

    I of course liberally applied grease on all surfaces. This actually helps the tape to stick*

    FWIW I happened to use yellow Gas Tape - which maybe be thicker or different than the white tape intended for plumbing. Dont know, but the method of wrapping the groves worked.

    Dont forget to grease all sides of the O-rings, not just the outside. . . as leakage can occur on any surface.

    ... Thanks for the idea.


  2. I did not wrap the O-rings with teflon tape, but thanks to your directions on how to take apart the Aquastop valve apart, I was able to get to the O-rings, apply some silicone grease and STOP my leaking! Thank you for your post, saved me from buying a new Aquastop or worse, a whole new filter canister.

  3. I'm not really understanding how to pull the white lever out? Does anyone have pictures or videos, i spent hours scouring youtube looking, only found one video and it didn't seem to help, i could not get white lever out, I could not push the rotating cylinder-how do you push them without breaking it? Tools seem to want to scratch and break it? IDK. I ordered a new one and will practice taking apart the old one. Until they show, i'll just have to keep a bucket under the filter and wrap it in a towel...... Any elaboration on the above would maybe help!


  4. I did what you said to my fluval 306 and your right it fixed working great no leaks because of you thank you so much for the info

  5. Dude, thanks for posting this. You are the man! Explaining how to take that valve apart without breaking it was key. I was able to fix mine with the Teflon like you said. Thx again.

    1. Glad it worked out. but it's a temporary measure. Eventually you will need new one.

  6. This was very helpful, you don't even know.. The teflon tape was the key, not sure you need the silicone grease


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